Managing Dosha During Summer!
This will help you with reducing the accumulation of Pitta dosha in your body which will reduce the occurrence of Pitta dosha dominant disorders th...
Read moreThis Shata Dhauta Ghrita has a homogenously smooth, non-granular, non-sticky and non-oily texture with a neutral pH which is better for soothing sk...
Read moreNow, if your skin condition is Vata dosha related and you can see dry, flaky skin too. Then, you should start taking warm, moist food along with co...
Read moreGirls in adolescence or a person suffering from acne should always wash their face with mild soap or herbal powders in order to prevent any infecti...
Read moreDo you want to linger in your bed for longer at dawn after snoozing that Godforsaken alarm for the nth time?...
Read moreTagar helps to pacify the alleviated Vata dosha due to its Ushna virya and Kapha-vatashamaka property. Thus, can be a very helpful in the stress re...
Read moreApply Nabhi Sutra Menstrual Pain Relief - belly button oil which will pacify the Vata and thus will prevent your cramps.
Read moreThe reason behind the stress could be due to their family issues, financial issues, work life imbalances, peer and society pressures. Apply Nabhi s...
Read moreThe use of these metals in our day-to-day life can really improve our health. Here, are some astonishing facts about these metals on our body ment...
Read moreThe eyes can get dried and may get irritated due to the long hour screen timing. These days it is getting common among people of all generations.
Read moreeep oiling regularly for a couple of months to get the best results. Does scalp massage really work for hair growth? Well, you just have to keep tr...
Read moreThese elements combine and create doshas which further rule our body temperaments. They often dictate our feelings, our emotions, our regulations b...
Read moreThe importance of balance in our sleep cycle is paramount. Our bodies were designed to work as per nature's clock and when we disobey it, we gradua...
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