About Us
What gave the idea its roots?
In the initial 2 years, Kids have very low immunity and their body is in the process of building immunity. Initially, kids come in contact with a lot of viruses, germs, and other organisms thus causing them to combat various infections and diseases. Cold and flu are the prime recurring problems faced by kids. Owing to this, it became essential for me to come with a precise solution for issues like cough, cold, immunity building, brain development and more.

My cousin, M.D Ayurveda Doctor, Dr.Nikunj Mewada offered me an in-depth knowledge of the concept and he facilitated me to build formulas for different oils. I started with making some oils at home for my daughter and the results never failed to amaze me, thus giving birth to the idea of Nabhi Sutra.
What is Nabhi Sutra?
Nabhi Sutra is based in Vadodara, India and its primary objective is to endorse genuine products and encourage natural treatment. Nabhi Sutra aims at creating fine quality, pure and natural oils as per the ayurvedic practices and authentic guidelines. Through Nabhi Sutra, We aspire to alter the contemporary method of treatment and sustain the conventional and age-old method of natural treatment.
Nabhi Sutra is natural
All our products are FDA certified and 100% natural. There are no added colors or fragrances.
Nabhi Sutra is authentic
Our products have been produced by qualified experts with in-depth knowledge of Ayurvedic procedures and measures.
Nabhi Sutra is pure
All our products are made of pure essential therapeutic oil, cold-pressed oil and ayurveda siddha oil.
Nabhi Sutra is one step solution using one focused technique for all your problems. Our range comprises solutions for brain development, Acne, Hair Care, Skincare, Menstrual pain relief and Joint pain relief. By applying oil in Nabhi, daily problems like hair fall, acne, anti-aging, and many such skin problems can be treated.