Dinacharya : An Ayurvedic way of Routine

What do you mean by Dinacharya?

The word “Dina” means day and “Acharya” means activity. As Ayurveda focuses on the overall health of human beings. So, it considers Dincharya and Ritucharya as an important part of life where Dinacharya refers to the daily activities which must be performed in a day while, Ritucharya considers the regime to be followed in different seasons.

If, we look at the predominance of Doshas in our body throughout the day then, we can see that our body clock is synchronized with the path of Sun and Moon which is called as Circadian rhythm. Dinacharya was explained by keeping in mind that the three sharirika doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) of our body as synchronized with day and night.

What kind of daily activities are being included in Dinacharya?

Bramha Muhurte Uttishte –waking up in Bramha Muhurta (between 3:30 am to 5:30 am or 48 minutes before the sunrise) which is Vata predominant time period is considered very important. But, only those should wake-up whose previous night meal is digested and were not asleep at night time means had good sound sleep on previous night.

Malotsarga – waking up in Bramha Muhurta helps in regulation of Vata dosha especially Apana Vayu which eases the defecation. Thus, helps in clearing the gut which prevents a lot of diseases.

Dantadhavana - Charak Acharya has mentioned that Dantadhavana is to be performed twice a day while, Vagabhata has mentioned that it should be done in morning and after every meal. So, in my opinion you can do it either in the morning or it can be done in night by using brush or datuna and you can clean your teeth after consuming every meal with your fingers and plain water. As over brushing your teeth can affect the enamel and can irritate the gums.

Jivhanirlekhana- As brushing your teeth is mandatory likewise cleaning the teeth is also very important as it removes the extra food particles and this prevents bad breath. According to Charak Acharya metal (Gold, Silver, Copper, etc) or plant strip can be used.  

You can use Adhyay Copper tongue cleaner for better results.

Kavala and Gandusha- Kavala is like a mouth wash by using Kalka (medicated paste) and Gandusha is like oil pulling where medicated oils are kept in mouth. These practices are helpful for the oral health and keeps the gums and teeth strong. Gandusha is good for jaw strength, improves voice tone and gives strength to it too. It helps in keeping the muscles of face healthy, improves sense of taste, prevents dryness of throat, prevents chapped lips, prevents pain in teeth and makes their roots stronger.

Anjana – It prevents burning sensation of eyes, discharge, watering or pain.

Dhumapana- in Ayurveda, medicated smoking is done which prevents Vata Kapha doshas disorders in Urdhwajatrugata Pradesh (area above the level of shoulders). These disorders can cause problem in the neck region, head, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, etc.  

Nasya – it is like medicated nasal drops which is good for the functioning of sensory organs like eyes, nose and ear. It prevents greying, hair fall of hair and beard. It promotes the growth of hair. It helps in strengthening the blood vessels, joints, ligament and tendons of cranium. It makes the voice pleasant, firm and intense.


  • The massaging of oil on body helps in pacifying the Vata dosha
  • delays aging, gives relieve from exertion due to physical works it gives nourishment to the body tissues
  • promotes good sleep and deep sleep, it is good for many neurological disorders
  • provides lubrication to the joints and muscles
  • improves skintexture
  • prevents exertions or strain on the body
  • Pada-abhyanga should be done before going to bed as this promotes sound sleep and helps in getting rid of the stress. It prevents disease of lumbo-sacral region or both the legs. It prevents various eye disorders. You can use Kansa Vatki for foot message and for added benefits apply any oil or Ghrita preparations.

Vyayama – it is being told that Vyayama should be done every day as it gets rid of excess amount of Kapha in our body and boosts our metabolic fire (Jatharaagni). This helps in proper digestion of food which provides proper nutrition to the body and keeps it healthy. It should be performed upto half of the capacity of the person in cold weathers. It should be never overdone and after performing Vyayama, Abhyanga is a must but, it should never be done after food consumption.

Snana – Many of the persons skip bathing in winters and even in cold weathers. Acharya Charak has mentioned that snana can help in-

  • improving the digestion
  • it has aphrodisiac effect and hence improves ojas of the body
  • good for longevity
  • prevents itching
  • removes dirt, sweat, etc
  • good for excessive thirst and burning sensation
  • prevents any skin related conditions
  • It is important to care that hot water should never be poured over the head as it can affect the hair strength and vision. Snana should never be done after food consumption hence, give 2-3 hours of gap before bathing.

Nirmala ambar dharanam – Acharya Charak has mentioned the importance of wearing clean clothes:

  • Good for charm and the personality of the person
  • Provides longevity
  • Gives pleasure
  • Get rid of bad luck
  • Wearing ornaments can enhance ojas in a person.
  • It is important to clean the feet and external orifices as it promotes longevity, good for cleanliness and promotes intelligence.
  • Likewise, kshourkarma means grooming the hair and nails is good for longevity, cleanliness, etc. You can uses Neem wood combs for added benefits.
  • Wearing footwear is good for eyes, foot skin, gives strength, helpful in maintaining proper gait.
  • Wearing cap and using Umbrella is also being told as beneficial in many ways.

One should always follow these Dincharya as a daily activity in order to stay healthy for long i.e., sukhayu mentioned in definition of Ayurveda.  It is good for personal hygiene and is good for positive image of the person in society. It helps to attain a healthy lifestyle.

Sadvruta – This is good for mano doshas called as Raja and Tama dosha as it promotes Satva guna. It is considered as good




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