Vision Beyond Sight: The Wonders of Netra Neti

What is Netra Neti? 

Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita have explained about Shatakarmas. It consists of six purification procedures or actions that’s what ‘Shata’ means six explains by its name. These procedures should be performed on Meda and Kapha prakopa (aggravation of doshas) conditions.

These are:

  • Dhauti
  • Basti
  • Neti
  • Trataka
  • Nauli
  • Kapalabhati

Out of these Neti is a purification procedure or technique done to cleanse the nasal passage of a person. It helps to cleanse the upper respiratory tract by using Jala (water) and Sutra (thread). The exact classical reference for the Jala neti is not available but, it being widely used. It helps to get rid of Rhinitis and Sinusitis or any other condition which is Kapha dominant.

Here, we are talking about Netra Neti in which cleansing of eyes are done by using Eyewash cups. It is an ancient way of cleaning the eyes naturally. It is a natural and any chemical free procedure.

What are the benefits of doing Netra Neti?

  • It helps to get rid of burning sensation of eyes.
  • It prevents any eye irritation.
  • It prevents itching of your eyes.
  • It hydrates your eyes naturally and adds enough amount of hydration.
  • It cleans your eyes and removes any dirt particle or any pollutants present in it.
  • It prevents any eye strain or tension in the eye muscles.
  • It can help to increase the blood supply to the eyes which starts the healing of eyes.
  • It may help to get rid of dark circles
  • It can prevent dark puffy eyes, redness of eyes and watering in eyes.
  • It prevents headache caused due to eye strain and helps to get relaxed.
  • The eye exercises performed during this procedure can help to strengthen the eye muscles and can get rid of many eye issues.
  • It can help you a lot, if you have an extended screen time (TV, Laptops.,etc) or more bright light exposure (photographer, etc) or even if you work in jewelry making industry, sewing industry where you are prone to eye-strainsand headaches.
  • This is can help you during summers when, the dehydration of eyes is more common.

How to use Netra Neti neem wood eyewash cup?

  • Firstly, rinse the Netra Neti Neem Wood Eyewash Cup with clear plain water to get rid of any fibers or dust particles on the eyewash cups.
  • Fill it with the liquid of your choice or as per advised by your Ayurvedic Physician with which you want to rinse your eyes. If, you want to simply cleanse your eyes then, use clean plain water at normal temperature and add 2-3 drops of rose water (without any glycerin in it).
  • Hold it tightly towards your eyes and start blinking up to 10 times. Gently, push it towards the eyes and take it up to 90angle from the ground. You can start rotating your eyeballs in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Start movements like looking Upward, Downwards, extreme left and extreme right side. You will start really enjoying it !! as it will give cooling sensation to your eyes.
  • These cups are made up of Neem wood which makes it a good anti-bacterial option by itself. As it is made up of wood (in spite of silicon) so, it gives you a dark place to look at while, performing the procedure. This automatically gives rest to your eyes from the bright light outside.
  • Later, remove the cup and discard the liquid.
  • Rinse the eyewash cups with water and air dry before keeping it inside.
  • For better results, start using Nabhi Sutra belly button for eye care

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