Mukha Abhyanga : The Ayurvedic Beauty Rituals

What is Mukha Abhyanga? 

Ayurvedic facial massage, is a traditional practice in Ayurveda that focuses on massaging the face with specific techniques. Different oils and techniques can be used according to one's requirement. It helps in relaxing the facial muscles which is good in reducing stress or any kind of anxiety. It gives toned up skin with lighter complexion. It prevents sagging of the facial skin and hence prevents wrinkles of your face. It drains out the toxins and strengthens the facial muscles and joints. It enhances the natural functioning of the various sense organs. It increases the blood flow which helps in transportation of the drug to its target site. It also helps in the regeneration of the facial skin cells.

In which conditions Mukha Abhyanga is not recommended?

If you are suffering from fever (especially acute fever), cough, cold, sinusitis, etc., then kindly avoid it till you are completely free from any Kapha ailments. If a person has undergone treatment like Vamana, Virechana, Basti, etc. If the person is suffering from indigestion and doshas are in Sama avastha or is suffering from any disease which occurs due to over nutrition.  If, there is any burn wound or any open wound which is not healed yet and the skin is more prone to various infections especially skin infections.

What are the general methods of Abhyanga?

Any kind of Abhyanga or even the Mukha Abhyanga should be done in a synchronized manner. It should never be done violently and should provide calmness to the mind. It should be done in the direction of growth of body hair or anuloma which is away from the heart. This method helps to reduce the tension or any pressure on heart.

Abhyanga done using various kinds of oils is Udvartana. If, only powder of various herbs is used and it’s done without using oil or ghee then, it’s called as Udgharshana. If, Abhyanga is done using wet or fresh paste of herbs with oil then, it is called as Utsadana (Ubtana).

What are the steps for Mukha Abhyanga to get a Beautiful and Younger looking skin?

If you want to achieve the benefits of Mukha Abhyanga for your skin. Then, you should do it regularly for a minimum of 400 Vakamatra i.e., approximately 2.5 seconds. This procedure is ideally done early morning and empty stomach when, the food of previous day is digested properly.

  • Always prep your skin by washing your hands and face with warm water using good anti-bacterial soap or cleanser.
  • Warm the oil using double boiler method (warming the oil containing vessel in the hot water).
  • Start applying the oil on face and neck by circular motion this helps it to penetrate deeply.
  • Apply oil on the Marmapoints help a lot in unblocking the channels of energy and this helps in improving the blood flow, lymphatic drainage, etc.  
  • Start massaging by doing sweeping strokes in an upward direction from neck to forehead. You can pinch gently on various points to increase the blood flow. Later, you can gently tap the skin, massage with you knuckles or fingertips, apply feather like strokes at various points (need to be done one by one).
  • Do the massage gently in circular motion in the following marma points. Sthapani marma(point between the eyebrows), Shankha marma (temple region), do a circular motion around the eyebrows and eyes which stimulates many points simultaneously (could include Avarta, Apanga, etc marma points), Vidhur marma (below the ears and at the back side), Phana marma (either side of the nose), Chibuka marma (either side of the lips) need to be massaged gently.
  • Later, you can take steam or put warm towel on your face.
  • You can remove the excess oil or let it soak overnight depending on your choice.

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CURT September 28, 2024

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