Maintaining TriDoshas during Monsoon : Dr.Shivani Pandey

Varsha Ritu (monsoon) can be called as the most awaited Ritu (season) as it gives the moments of relieves after the hottest one, Grishma Ritu (Summer). This is the start of Dakshinayana or Southern solstice which means Sun starts to be more towards Southern region of Earth, which is responsible for getting gradually lower temperatures for the remaining year. During Dakshinayana moon starts to dominate, temperature gets down due to the start of rainfall, clouds and cold wind blowing around. This ritu can be considered as very divine as it serves enough amount of hydration and moisture to all the living creatures, which gets lost after the summers in the South-Asian country like India. These both seasons (Grishma and Varsha) perfectly explains the water cycle, in which firstly water gets evaporated and then rainfall happens. So, you should have a clear understanding that there is a phase of transition between these two. One is extremely hot and dry while, another one is cold and full of hydration. Thus, with the utmost care of our health we should welcome this beautiful season.

As, Varsha Ritu is a transition phase between Uttarayana (Northern Solstice) and Dakshinayana (Southern solstice). Thus, during this season bala (body strength) and agni (digestive fire) is naturally weak. Due to the cold and wind Vata dosha prakopa (aggravation) occurs which needs to be taken care of. Pitta dosha starts to accumulate i.e., sanchaya avastha occurs while, Kapha dosha gets vitiated due to the low digestive fire. Thus, during this ritu all three doshas gets vitiated along with reduced bala (body strength) as well as agni (digestive fire). Thus, diet and daily routine should be proper to make yourself healthy from within.


Hindu calendar

Gregorian calendar



  Mid July – Mid Aug


  Mid Aug – mid Sep

Sravana is also called as Sawan in common languages. It is the 5th month of the Hindu calender which starts from Chaitra. It falls under July-Aug month of the Gregorian calender. This month is mainly for fasting especially “Sawan ka Somvara” which is fasting on every somvara (monday) of Sawan. This fast one day per week can naturally improve the agni of a person, can help in the digestion of ama dosha and can reduce the vitiated Kapha dosha. Thus, the improved agni (digestive fire) can also balance the aggravated Vata dosha and increase bala by absorbing important nutrients from the diet. But, this fasting should be done properly; as fasting a lot can also lead to aggravation of Vata and Pitta doshas which are already in a vitiated state in this ritu.

So, don’t you think how beautiful our traditions are? Every festival, fasting, rituals, etc are according to the climatic conditions of India which helps us to adapt the transitions occurring between the two different seasons.

What you can do to stay healthier in this season?

  1. First and foremost, whatever you eat or consume should be light and fresh. You should not consume any food items which were cooked and consumed on any other day or any kind of stale food as microbial growth is very high during this time period.
  2. You can consume sour, salty and oil containing food which is warm in condition. This will help to get rid of Vata aggravation and thus, can prevent joint pains.
  3. Pana (drinks) and Bhojana (food) should be mixed with some amount of honey. But, add your honey only when the drink or the food is not in a hot condition as hot temperature causes denaturation of honey.
  4. You can consume warm soups prepared using pulses.
  5. Start consuming boiled water or kadha (decoction) in this season. Mix honey in your boiled water or kadha when it is lukewarm.
  6. Try to consume barley, rice and wheat in fresh form.
  7. Do not do overeating as agni is naturally weak during this season.
  8. Include cow ghee, green gram (moong dal) in your diet.
  9. Avoid taking leafy vegetables, raw salads, etc during this season. As this may have got contaminated during this time period.
  10. You can make a weekly routine of massaging your body with warm oil (any medicated oil/mustard oil/coconut oil) or even twice to thrice a week or even on a daily basis before taking shower. During this season try to bath using warm water as this will help to pacify the naturally aggravated Vata dosha of your body.
  11. Try to keep your feet dry as dirty water can cause infection.
  12. Keep your clothes, wardrobe free from fungal attack using loban, dhoop, etc.
  13. Medicated enema also known as Basti can be used during this time period to get rid of aggravated Vata doshas.

What not to do for staying healthier in this season?

  1. Udamantha – it is an ayurvedic health drink recipe which should not be consumed in this season. This can be correlated to all the health drink recipes or sharbat or sattu which are prepared using uncooked ingredients and cold water. Taking more water or even cold one can cause agnimandya (indigestion) as the agni (digestive fire) is naturally weak during this season.
  2. Diwa svapna (Sleeping during daytime) -  should be avoided but, a person who is habituated can take short nap. As this can hamper the digestion by slowing down the metabolism.
  3. Nadi jala (Consuming river water) – As it may have got contaminated by various wastes.
  4. Avashyaya (Rainwater/dew drops) – Drenching in the rainwater is prohibited as the temperature as well as the breeze is cold during that time. So, getting drenched with a lower agni (digestive fire) cannot prevent infections and thus may lead to viral fever, etc.
  5. Vyayama (Excessive exercise) – if you really want to exercise then, do little stretching. Excessive exercise like Cardio etc can cause problem like Vata dosha vruddhi (aggravation) as bala of the person is naturally less in this season.
  6. Atapa sevan (Sunbath) & Vyavaya (sex indulgence) – taking sunbath as well as getting indulged in the sexual activities is also prohibited due to the less bala (strength) during this season.

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